Turf Reinforcement Mesh

Turf Reinforcement Mesh

High Grade Industry Park,Anping, Hebei,China. – 安平县 – 中国, 渤海湾+86-318-8779556-601Facebook
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Turf reinforcement mattress for grass protection is a kind of extruded plastic mesh grid, in green color, UV stabilized, rot resistant.

Material:PE, PP, HDPE, Anti-UV
Knitting: Extruded (hot spray, cold processed)
Hole size:7x7mm,15x15mm,18x18mm,24x24mm
Weight:425g/m2, 460g/m2, 560g/m2, 700g/m2, 400g/m2.
Net width: 0.8m, 0.9m, 1m, 2.0m, 2.1m or as your request
Net length: no limit
Thickness: 1-4.5mm
Color: Black, dark green, other

High level of grass reinforcement.
Lightweight and easy to install.
Cost effective compared to plastic paving grids.
No excavation or soil removal necessarily required.
UV stabilized, long lasting and durable.
Protect the roots of the grass.
Will not limit the growth of the grass.
Environmental friendly. The material is 100% recycled, it will not pollute the environment.

Rigid extruded plastic mesh is ideal for turf / grass protection:
The grass protection mesh is made of high density polyethylene, which is UV stabilized and rot proof. It can be covered on the grassland directly without damage the grass surface. It will not limit the growth of the grass, on the contrary, the grass protection mesh can protect the grass from being damaged by the vehicles and pedestrians.

Turf Reinforcement Mesh is Ideal for Anti Slippery Ground Protection:
Manufactured from high density polyethylene, the turf reinforcement mesh incorporates a blowing agent which gives the mesh a rougher surface thus creating a less slippery surface. The rigid mesh stabilises the grass and enables the grass to intertwine with the plastic mesh filaments, hence, creating a strong stabilized ground. The reinforced grassed ground is ideal for pedestrian and light vehicle, overflow car parks, and airport taxi-ways.

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Turf Reinforcement Mesh